Pascal Duthuin

Pascal Duthuin

Photography and cinema: privileged places at the crossroads where the soul, the real and the surreal meet. When these three ingredients come together, a masterpiece is just around the corner. Here the more than somewhere else, the more that in music, in literature or in painting, the artist is modest interface: humble receiving. This is the credo of JORDAN DIOW, a filmmaker and screenwriter who merges inspiration and craft, whose scriptural ambition is to meticulously inscribe on the paper destined to become film, semantic clockwork scores that are sufficiently constraining to allow creativity to breathe fully. That's the least we can do. Particularly fond of genre films, but by no means averse to the avant-garde. However, as the territory is particularly unstable and dangerous, he only goes in heavily armed or, conversely, in synthetic shorts. a size up.

Born in 1969

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Instagram : @jordan.diow?hlfr
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Film Comics


1984 - 1986 CLCF Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français - BTS - Assistanat à la réalisation
2005 - 2006 GOBELINS - Stage - Montage AVID
1994 - 1995 CFA Besançon - CAP - Projection audiovisuelle


Book / Le Rêve aux Loups
Le Rêve aux loups is the final letter from a man condemned to death from the inside, the last of the sheep-rebels to whom justice and society won't give a chance, but whom he will nevertheless dupe to ensure the triumph of truth, personal honor and...
Book / Vertes sont les femmes de l′aube (Poems & fulgures)
I'm a poet of youth. Not that my poetry belongs to youth, because in reality it's my whole being that emanates again and again, like a bed of embers, from that inferno, from that beginning of life that was so pure and so ardent. But youth clings on,...